Pod Jezevci skalou (Pod Jezevčí skálou)
Alemania título: Unter dem Dachsfelsen
Rusia título: Под барсучьей скалой
Título original: Pod Jezevčí skálou
Título alternativas:
Pod Jezevci Skalou
Jugendabenteuer – ČSSR
Año de producción: 1978
Duración: 75 minutos
Dirección: Václav Gajer
Guionista: Václav Gajer, Josef Pohl, Karel Urbánek
Fotografía: Rudolf Milic
Música: Luboš Sluka (Lubos Sluka)
Unter dem Dachsfelsen
DVD-Kopie The gamekeeper Straka lives by himself in the Bohemian forest hill. He has quarreled with his only son. He cannot come to terms with the fact that his son has abandoned his beloved forests and settled in a town. He has never even met his grandson Vasek. Following an illness, however, Vasek needs some country air, and so one day his mother Jarmila delivers him to her father-in-law’s cottage. At first Straka is angry, but Vasek is an unaffected lad and throws himself with verve into all the little adventures that the forest provides.
Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 17.03.1968
Fecha de la muerte: 08.03.1990
Edad del actor:
sobre 10 año
Más información
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